For the US, the National Weather Service offers model projections of regional temperature and precipitation. The maps below are linked directly to NOAA, and are automatically updated monthly.
Temp next 30 days.
Precip next 30 days.
Temp 3 month outlook.
Precip 3 month outlook.
The 3 month outlook is offered up to one year in advance, mapped at 1 month intervals. To view these other maps, click:
For the NOAA standard weather forecast and local forecast, click:
Current weather (continually updated).
Temp next 30 days.
Precip next 30 days.
Temp 3 month outlook.
Precip 3 month outlook.
The 3 month outlook is offered up to one year in advance, mapped at 1 month intervals. To view these other maps, click:
For the NOAA standard weather forecast and local forecast, click:
Current weather (continually updated).