ive spun the idea,. of making a pic. thread of old, and new farming related pic's.
JITTERBUG thought it was a good idea. ive seen many things i wish i'd have had my camera. but im carrying it daily at work now,
feel free, to post any pic's you may think us members will find intresting, be it OLD OR NEW.
> a old FARMALL i came acroos today
and o ld seeder, that had a roof collapse on it,
JITTERBUG thought it was a good idea. ive seen many things i wish i'd have had my camera. but im carrying it daily at work now,
feel free, to post any pic's you may think us members will find intresting, be it OLD OR NEW.
> a old FARMALL i came acroos today
and o ld seeder, that had a roof collapse on it,