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curing tobacco

  1. cigarillofingers

    UK Cellar Head Curing

    Horite, anyone in the UK had any experience of harvesting and curing tobacco hanging on the cellar head with no fans or anything? Its a terrace house in South Yorkshire with a damp cellar so cant use the cellar itself however there is the old coal shoot open so there is ventilation down there.
  2. J

    Is this a mold?

    Hello there, This is my first year growing Virginia tobacco. I have a problem drying tobacco leaves. Every time white dots appear on them, or green ones like that. I dry tobacco in the attic where the window is open and the humidity is between 40-50%. I dry the leaves separately hung on a...
  3. C

    Hello from Prescott

    Hello, my name is Cameron and I am located in Prescott, AZ. I am wanting to grow, cure, and ferment my own tobacco for making my own cigars. I know that the traditional method for curing cigar tobacco is air-curing and the tradition fermentation process for cigar tobacco is staking the cured...
  4. Patriotguy

    Fermentation while curing /drying

    Ive been reading a lot of free kindle and ebooks from the 1800s on tobacco, one thing I read that was shocking to me is that if you gave your tobacco proper manure / soil that the leaf will ferment while it cures and that a fermentation on its own is only needed for poor quality tobaccos that...
  5. S

    Can you dry tobacco in the oven?

    Howdy, I live in Southern California, and have had some amazing luck growing a variety of Tobacco. But that's where the problem lies. There is not enough humidity in the air and all my attempts at curing/drying have resulted in dry brittle leaves. Mind you last year was my first time planting...
  6. AmaxB

    AmaxB- Flue Curing Tobacco at Home: Wins & Fails

    I built a grand chamber to Flue Cure my Tobacco it has been tested and proven to work. A link to my chamber build thread - Now I must establish my process. . . The photo above is from my second...
  7. AmaxB

    Flue CURING Guide from Harvest to Finish

    This Guide was written for Bulk Cure but can and does apply to small cures when a chamber is used. Parts that do not apply to a small grower may have been omitted. All credits to the Universiry of Georgia & parties involved in the creation of this Guide [Bulletin 884 Reviewed June, 2009...
  8. F

    Stringing tobacco

    Stringing tobacco the old fashioned way............... Should you use 1 or more leaves using this method??????
  9. FmGrowit

    Stringing Tobacco

    This could be a time saver for those who are priming their leaf.