Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. D

    When to store in vapor proof bags?

    Question: people say that after flue curing or kilning you should wait a month or more before smoking. During that time, should the tobacco be stored in cardboard boxes or hung in order for gases produced in the curing process to escape, or can you put them right into vapor proof bags right...
  2. deluxestogie

    deluxestogie's Trash Can Cozy Flue-cure Chamber

    PART I: A Poor Man's Flue Cure Problem Flue-curing tobacco takes primed leaf from ripe to fully cured and ready to smoke or pack in 5 days. (Flue-cured leaf is not really helpful in cigars, but is a highly regarded, major blend component in cigarettes, and a common minor or major blending...