Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. adamziegler

    3D Print Files - Cigar Molds

    I have designed a handful of molds for my own personal use. Little by little there are design changes made, but they all work to form tobacco into the desired shape. Sharing the files here for anyone interested:
  2. M

    Distilled/sterile water needed for rehydration before storage? (and general mold problems)

    Long time since I last posted, but I have now started processing my last year's crop that I detailed here: The leaves air cured nice and have been stored bone-dry over the last year in plastic...
  3. iamjonjones

    How Bad is mold on a large batch?

    Hi there, I've recently received a 2kg bag of burley (from eurotabak), when opening the bag it smelled absolutely rancid. upon folding open some of the leaves i found a whole bunch of different colored mold (Green, Yellow, Black and grey/white). I've had mold on previous orders before and all...
  4. G

    Is this mold / dangerous? Spots on flue cured leaves.

    Hello friends. Can somebody confirm if these leaves are normal? The black dots (second/third picture) and also the brown "dust" (first picture). I won't use the leaf on the first picture (55751add-19cd-4045-b5da-27c3a269c617-png) because its too bad however I got that brown (dust) on many...
  5. T

    Newbie needing help, mold or chlorophyll?: @TTrash

    Hi, I'm a newbie and I need educating on leaf tobacco. I've been purchasing flue dried leaf tobacco but I've never seen this before (see attached). The shipment was opened 2 days after it arrived and I thought Mold! I notified the company and they said it was chlorophyll from drying too fast...
  6. J

    Is this a mold?

    Hello there, This is my first year growing Virginia tobacco. I have a problem drying tobacco leaves. Every time white dots appear on them, or green ones like that. I dry tobacco in the attic where the window is open and the humidity is between 40-50%. I dry the leaves separately hung on a...
  7. P

    Green spots on air curing leaves

    Hello everyone, I am new to curing tobacco and am seeing tiny green spots on my leaves as they are air curing as seen in the picture (I apologise for its low quality) Is this mould or simply discolouration? It does not rub off from the leaf like I would expect mould to but I wouldn't know...
  8. K

    Hello All - Jumping right in and requesting advice!

    Hello all, I was recently smoking a cigar and I felt like I was doing it wrong. So I did some research..watched some youtube videos..... and went down a rabbit hole that doesn't seem to end. It brought me to this forum and the start of a new obsession. Smoking cigars is great, but I feel like...
  9. BAGraphics

    3 ~48 ring x 5" Perfecto Moulds for sale

    So, as some of you have read, I have acquired access to a retired cigar factory owner who is willing to sell me some of his stored equipment. Here is one, or should I say three of the gems I dug out of his storage. I would prefer to sell them to people who will use them for cigar making and...
  10. BAGraphics

    Time frames...

    So, I got the rolling part down to the point that I can roll a smokeable cigar that looks like a real cigar. I will be refining my technique over time. My question is... Timeframes. Roll, cut and put in mold. 2-5 mins. Leave in mold to dry/shape round 1. ?? Mins Make...
  11. BAGraphics

    What if I get mold on my stored wrapper?

    What is the best way to store wrapper and binder leaf so that it is ready, or close to ready without growing mold? ...And what to do if mold does appear on binder or wrapper leaf that was stored damp. I found a few references to 50/50 white vinegar and distiller water spray and then drying. Bruce
  12. BAGraphics

    Plume on delivered leaf or concern?

    Hello all! New to rolling but not cigars. Just got my second batch of fresh leaf and my binder seems to have a gritty feel to some of the leaves. It looks like salt and leaves grit behind as I'm getting it ready to roll. My question is, have any of you ever received their new hands with plume...
  13. M

    Tobacco Mold?!

    OK, before you all give me a bunch of crap for adding a humidifier to a closed system without adding any venting for drying green leaf... That said, I had one Mudlug from a CTBL plant that might have mold growing on it.. But I do not know. It could be bad lighting too. That said, I trolled...
  14. V

    Help! Need Info about mold...

    As a new poster I would appreciate a little advise.... I recently purchased, hydrated, and prepared a pound of Don's Aleman tobacco to play with. I must have got it a little too wet and now there appears to be little white/ discolorations popping up on leaf's surface in random patterns...
  15. Ubert

    Frog Eye Leaf Spot Disease

    Hi, Some of the tobacco I have grown this year has frogeye leafspot which I understand is a fungal disease. The question is - can I still smoke the tobacco or do I have to bin it? Cheers guys. Ubert.