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  1. SexualKungFu

    What do you use as paper for homemade snus?

    I found a snus paper to bag every portion but I can't find anything online that ships to the EU
  2. J

    Maryland 609 for snus

    Hello all! I ordered 1 lb of Maryland and 1 lb or burley tobacco to make snus with before I realized how weak Maryland tobacco is in terms of nicotine. This will be my first attempt/attempts (I have a few recipies I want to try) at snus and I want to make sure I'm not making a product that is...
  3. G

    Golden Burley Tobacco Stalk

    Hi I have saved the stalks of the two Golden Burley plants I grew. I read online that the stalks have nicotine in them too. I’m a big believer of trying to use the whole plant and not let anything go to waste. I was looking everywhere to find info about what to do with my tobacco stalks. I read...
  4. F

    Beginner Diving In: multi-batch snus

    I have been using snus for a few years now and switched to loose and I have now decided I would like to start making my own. I have the general idea but I do have a question that I haven't seen discussions for in previous threads. I have ordered some Burley, Virginia, Dark Air Cured, and...
  5. C

    Made my first batch of snus and looking for flavor suggestions

    I made about 250g of snus using 100g of tobacco flour from an additive free rolling tobacco that's a mix of burley and virginia. I opted for the instant pot method as I have one of those and not a crockpot that I can run for days at a time. The snus turned out great even though it's not...
  6. island

    Hi from vancouver island

    Hi everyone! This will be my third year growing and harvesting my own tobacco, and hopefully my first successful year with curing... I have yet to produce an an appealing product. this year, I have sowed seeds from Greta's and Elena's in Canada, and Northwood seeds from Spokane WA. Paul from...
  7. Roastbeast

    Greetings from Bohemia

    Hi all. Being a long time snus aficionado and having recently moved out of the city, I want to finally have a go at making my own from scratch. This place has been a priceless resource, thanks a lot to everybody who’s made it so. I’m planning a proper field for next year, but this year I...
  8. Bryceckc

    Flavoring DIY Snus wintergreen

    Hey guys. I’m a noob and currently making my first batch of snus. My mix is: 161g Nicotina Rustica 41g fronto 39g Maryland 609 39g burley 39g Virginia flue cured 60g mixed stems from formally mentioned tobacco 58g salt desalted in 2.3 cups water (More water was added 24 hours later when snus...
  9. S

    can you make snus from pipe tobbaco?

    I was wondering has anyone made snus from pipe tobbaco I want to start making my own snus And what's the best blends of tobacco to use
  10. H

    Long cut dip using nordic snus recipe

    For the last two years I've been using a Nordic country recipe that has since been pulled from the net. My preferred cut is long cut but have always loved the Swedish style/flavor of their snus. Here my recipe in pdf format makes 6.5lbs or 50 tins good for 1/2 year at 2.40 a tin...
  11. dubhelix

    Suggested Varieties for Swedish Snus

    I'm putting together my seed order for my first tobacco patch here in Central Virginia. My intent is to produce my own snus. I'm looking for some suggestions for 4-6 varieties that would be appropriate for my use, preferably available from Sustainable Seed. For those familiar with snus, I...