Gosh!My apologies. I was not aware that there was only one valid opinion and others were subject to ridicule. Won't happen again.
As I've written many times, blowing out the residual smoke from a cigar, when you know that you will be letting it go out is a helpful procedure. I try not to allow my cigars to go out, since, to me, they are still more harsh after relighting, regardless. Smoking a cigar is a very simple thing. The Dutchman was following the Cigar Aficionado approach of suggesting that cigar smoking is a complicated (perhaps even sophisticated) matter.
Just like salting one's grits, or wiping one's butt, each of us has figured out how to accomplish it.
Every now and then, I post something as though I were an actual forum member, without examining it in all its possible misinterpretations. So please accept my apology. Likely to happen again.
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