Creator of the Imperfecto
I really like the color I see in pics of the Moldovan 456, but I can't judge texture very well without seeing the tobacco. I have always liked a nice pale wrapper for the visual aspect but I really can't be bothered with stretching shade cloth and wiring up 12 foot tall plants so I can't really get best results from growing CT Shade, which I usually use for wrapper. Good wrapper can be dreadfully expensive, and I would really like to grow my own wrapper. Filler is easy, but it is also cheap to buy, so not such a big deal either way. Has anybody here grown this, and used Moldovan 456? What was your impression? I need to start picking out my seed pretty soon so I am not stuck with no seed in January when it is time to start the seedlings. If anybody grew it this year, I would love to buy a cured leaf I can look at and handle.
My other wrapper choices are CT Broadleaf and Moonlight and I am leaning toward the CTBL. I got my plants all mixed up but I could definitely tell the CTBL from the rest by the big beautiful leaves. The first wrapper size leaves are still color curing so I don't know exactly how they will turn out, but the size is nice, they aren't all bumpy and lumpy, and the side veins get pretty delicate about halfway out to the edges. Also the leaves don't curl very much. Another issue is I had a lot of very fierce thunderstorms that flattened my bakky a couple of times. Some stalks stood back up. Some meandered along the ground for a couple of feet and then bent back upward at that point, so I ended up with a lot of mud lugs. The CTBL is a shorter and stockier plant so it should resist blow-downs better. OTOH the Moonlight seems to be a good producer, with leaves almost as big. But I am really after a nice claro yellowish-tan wrapper and I think priming the Moldovan after it begins turning on the stalk would give me that. It's just a question of texture, and also of course aroma and flavor. Maybe the CTBL for binder, and Moldovan 456 for wrapper? I mostly make short fat perfectos and my binder and especially wrapper need good width for making the turn.
I am leaning toward Criollo 98 for filler, maybe blending that Seco with the Ligero from the wrapper plants, or vice versa, the Ligero and Viso from my filler plants with the too-small Seco leaves and especially lugs from the wrapper variety. I might also try some Piloto. Darn. I really don't want to plant four different varieties next year. Two would be wonderful.
The FL Sumatra looks good in a lot of respects, but I want a pale wrapper. I rolled a few dutchies in Sumatra and they were okay as small cigars. Didn't seem to work as well for me for fat perfectos or toros. Maybe I didn't have the case just right for that leaf.
My other wrapper choices are CT Broadleaf and Moonlight and I am leaning toward the CTBL. I got my plants all mixed up but I could definitely tell the CTBL from the rest by the big beautiful leaves. The first wrapper size leaves are still color curing so I don't know exactly how they will turn out, but the size is nice, they aren't all bumpy and lumpy, and the side veins get pretty delicate about halfway out to the edges. Also the leaves don't curl very much. Another issue is I had a lot of very fierce thunderstorms that flattened my bakky a couple of times. Some stalks stood back up. Some meandered along the ground for a couple of feet and then bent back upward at that point, so I ended up with a lot of mud lugs. The CTBL is a shorter and stockier plant so it should resist blow-downs better. OTOH the Moonlight seems to be a good producer, with leaves almost as big. But I am really after a nice claro yellowish-tan wrapper and I think priming the Moldovan after it begins turning on the stalk would give me that. It's just a question of texture, and also of course aroma and flavor. Maybe the CTBL for binder, and Moldovan 456 for wrapper? I mostly make short fat perfectos and my binder and especially wrapper need good width for making the turn.
I am leaning toward Criollo 98 for filler, maybe blending that Seco with the Ligero from the wrapper plants, or vice versa, the Ligero and Viso from my filler plants with the too-small Seco leaves and especially lugs from the wrapper variety. I might also try some Piloto. Darn. I really don't want to plant four different varieties next year. Two would be wonderful.
The FL Sumatra looks good in a lot of respects, but I want a pale wrapper. I rolled a few dutchies in Sumatra and they were okay as small cigars. Didn't seem to work as well for me for fat perfectos or toros. Maybe I didn't have the case just right for that leaf.