Okay, here’s something I have not seen before: pink ash on a cigar. I would welcome an explanation for this.
This is one of my famous-to-me Toscano facsimiles. I’m enjoying it after a day of yard work and gardening with my wife and daughter. I got a Carolina reaper plant. (Let’s see if the squirrels have a go at it.
) I think this version of the cigar is going to be my strategy going forward: using long scrap tails and thinner bits of leaf with the fire cured tobacco stuck in thin strands in centre like ligero. I have also determined that doing a “dry” wrap to compress the tobacco then unrolling to trim to the absolute minimum overlap is key. Also, an ox-load of glue from bow to stern like they do in Italia.
This doesn’t lead to much nuance in flavour but it taste good, burn well, and has the characteristic punch and spicyness of a Toscano. I might try and do a pictorial at some point if anyone is interested.