I haven't done it pre shredded but I see no reason why it would be significantly different. I do it whole leaf because I find it easier to cut by hand while moist, and my tobacco is often too dry beforehand.Sorry for hitting a long ago post, but I hope to start my Cavendish experimenting this next weekend and while I have ten lbs of leaf due in tomorrow along with 12 lbs of other leafs I got in last week, I also have a lot of shredded tobacco that I wanted to experiment on. I've earmarked about half of all that whole leaf to the experimenting following tidbits from everyone on this thread.
How does/did your Cavendish turn out (from the shredded tobacco)?
Did/do you use the same processes for shredded as you do for whole leaf?
Sorry for what may seem like dumb questions, but I've got a brand new pressure cooker and two cases of mason jars that I hope to come up to speed on the processes and hope I do it like it's supposed to be done. Hope to start out with just straight tobacco and once I get the routine down, plan to branch out by adding flavors and VG.
Thanks for the great information and always enjoying the experimenting is these new adventures and everyone's two cents.