Terry tobacco
New Member
Hey there fellow tobacco barons, I’ve been trying to grow tobacco for almost a year now and I have not gotten anything to stay sprouted. My last round of sprouts got leggy and ended up dying, and every batch of sprouts before them has ended in a similar fate or has just died randomly. I use an indoor grow tent with a fan vent (a smart electronic one) I grow the plants in terracotta pots about 4 inches in diameter with a half and half mixture of seed starting mix and potting soil about 1-2 inches beneath the rim of the pot. I cover them with Saran Wrap to keep humidity in and use a heat lamp for heat keeping it at 84-85° for most of the day as well as led grow lights positioned about 1 foot or more above the seeds. I feel like I’m doing everything right but nothings growing so I really must seek your advice.