Buy Tobacco Leaf Online | Whole Leaf Tobacco


  1. websu

    Help, mould spores?

    Hello all this is some dried out leaf and it has loads of little white dots on it, is this mould spores? If yes is there any way I can save this leaf? Before I dried it there was no sign of mould that I could see any and all advice going forward is very appreciated
  2. P

    Green spots on air curing leaves

    Hello everyone, I am new to curing tobacco and am seeing tiny green spots on my leaves as they are air curing as seen in the picture (I apologise for its low quality) Is this mould or simply discolouration? It does not rub off from the leaf like I would expect mould to but I wouldn't know...
  3. BAGraphics

    3 ~48 ring x 5" Perfecto Moulds for sale

    So, as some of you have read, I have acquired access to a retired cigar factory owner who is willing to sell me some of his stored equipment. Here is one, or should I say three of the gems I dug out of his storage. I would prefer to sell them to people who will use them for cigar making and...