Jitterbugdude recommended this fertilizer to me last year and a link was posted in a couple of threads. I thought it's own thread would make it easier to find. I used it last year after my seedling soil ran out of nutrients and I was very pleased with the results. No chance of Urea poisoning is a big plus. It's 20-10-20, which I think is the same numbers that BigBonner uses for his float trays. I dosed this years starts with some Epsom Salts three or fours days ago after the soil ran out of nutrients and the starts began to yellow. They have greened back up but I'll begin using this fertilizer about every other watering beginning tonight. I have a TDS meter (total dissolved solids) to check the strength of the fertilizer before I add it to the trays.
20-10-20 Urea Free Water Soluble Fertilizer: http://search.cartserver.com/search...nventory&maxhits=&bool=AND&keywords=urea+free (Shipping is about the same as the cost of one container so I bought two containers, shipping was the same for two as for one)
BigBonner uses a Hanna brand meter, but it's over $100.00. As a hobbyist, I opted for the same brand, but a cheaper meter: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hanna-Teste...297730?pt=US_Garden_Tools&hash=item27e0909ac2 (It comes with a calibration solution.)
To use the meter, test your water. Then add 700 parts per million to the reading of your water. If your water gives a reading of 200 you will want an after fertilizer reading of 900 ppm. If your water gives a reading of 120, you will want an after fertilizer reading of 820, etc.
20-10-20 Urea Free Water Soluble Fertilizer: http://search.cartserver.com/search...nventory&maxhits=&bool=AND&keywords=urea+free (Shipping is about the same as the cost of one container so I bought two containers, shipping was the same for two as for one)
BigBonner uses a Hanna brand meter, but it's over $100.00. As a hobbyist, I opted for the same brand, but a cheaper meter: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hanna-Teste...297730?pt=US_Garden_Tools&hash=item27e0909ac2 (It comes with a calibration solution.)
To use the meter, test your water. Then add 700 parts per million to the reading of your water. If your water gives a reading of 200 you will want an after fertilizer reading of 900 ppm. If your water gives a reading of 120, you will want an after fertilizer reading of 820, etc.