Pick your preferred flavor.
The confusion is in the history of the Xanthi varieties. The town of Yenidje (currently identified as Genice), near the bottom of the Xanthi region in Greece, was destroyed during the late 19th century. By the early 20th century, very little tobacco was being grown in Yenidje. Constantinides, in his book, suggests that (at least in 1912) Xanthi-Yaka is the famed Yenidje leaf.
[quote="Constantinides: Turkish Tobacco, 1912]SPECIFIC VARIETALS:
YENIDJE: (Yenidze, Yenice, Genissea), near the coast of Thrace in today's Greece, was an Ottoman center of fine tobacco production at the time the village burned to the ground in 1843 (possibly 1870). At that time, all of the inhabitants of Yenitze moved up-slope to the town of Xanthi, on the slopes (called the Yaka) of the Rhodope mountain range. It is this XANTHI-YAKA tobacco that grew to fame as "Yenidje" tobacco. It is a basma type. "There is no doubt that Yaka tobacco is the finest and most expensive in the World." It grows in red clay loam, mixed with small flint stones. The plants are short, low-yielding, with a leathery and velvety appearance. They have raised, distinct veins on the underside. They burn badly, due to rich manuring by herds of goats. (The burn is improved by blending with Bafra.)
Kentuckiana Digital Library link to Turkish Tobacco, by Constantinides
Over a century has past since Constantinides visited the region, and wrote about it (as one of the truly rare, published "tobacco experts" who actually wrote about what they knew to be true, rather than the BS we find in books by marketeers like Nat Sherman and Alfred Dunhill). No doubt, there are many new (likely accidental) varieties that have come about in that strain of Basma during the past century. And no doubt, cultivation methods and fertilizers influence the final product.
So my advice is to select a basma variety (e.g. Yenidje, Xanthi, Xanthy, Xanthi-Yaka, or even Prilep), and see what you get. They all serve as an aromatic, light Oriental in pipe blends. Since I've found that Prilep flu-cures beautifully (some find it too sweet and cookie-like), that's currently my basma of choice.
EDIT: Here is the
Constatinides book as a pdf [7.5 mb]