Myself and many others here use a crock pot for both heat and humidity. ChinaVoodoo uses shielded incandescent light bulbs for his heat source. Following are the plans for three of those. The ChinaVoodoo build is elegant in its simplicity, low cost, and ease of build. There are several others on the forum, the LeftyRighty build is from an old upright fridge or freezer. Already insulated with a nice door seal. You can find that one with the search function.
deluxestogie’s build includes instructions for flue curing, the method, temps, humidity and how to read the flue curing chart I posted earlier.
I'm using a temperature controller. Temperature is produced by two 40W incandescent bulbs which hang inside an aluminum tube, with forced air provided full time by a 110V fan purchased at princess auto. The tube is bent so it blows air from the bottom to the top. Tobacco is in...
PART 1 of 4 Endoskeleton. The foam board goes on the outside. Caveat The wood-built kiln discussed here has several advantages over using a dead, upright freezer for a kiln, but will require more work to complete, and will certainly cost more. it weighs significantly less it can be sized to...
I've been meaning to build a kiln for the past two seasons but have just gotten off my sorry ass and decided to do something about it. (Bob's thread kicked off my thinking seriously about it) First, let me say that the cheapest kiln build is one from a free freezer, as the box itself is the most...
DGBAMA’s thread is about air curing in his box. We were in an extremely dry, hot year in Alabama and air curing in his box was the best way to prevent drying green. Very similar to your situation. In his thread you will find ideal air curing conditions and the methods he used to achieve them.
To preface, my intent this year as a first time grower was simply to have smokable at minimal cost. Grow, hang, dry, smoke..............Weather in the S.E. has been something of a "B#$%^" this year. Our August weather should be great for air curing......mid-upper 90s w/ good...
You could air cure the Burley in your current box as the temps won’t have to reach kilning or flue curing temperatures. You will just need to duplicate ideal air curing conditions, easily accomplished with what you currently have. Instructions in the DGBAMA thread.
You could use the flue cure method for your flue cure Virginia varieties with your new insulated box. Instructions in the Deluxestogie thread. Holler if you need us.