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DIY snus Kit with pictures

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
Ok this is how I evolve the experiment from here.
This time in black and white. :cool:

The tools I use.
40 gram snus, salt, gum arabic, a knife and a 600 Watt 3in1 blender with the blender tool attached.
I took some knife points of salt and gum arabic.
I did put it in the blender together with the snus.
I did blend it and added some more gum arabic .
I did blend it and added gum arabic until the snus did stick to the sides of the blender.
I scraped the snus off the walls of the blender and filled a can. Blend nr.98 is finished!
Next step is that I will add a small scale to weigh the amounts but I need snus until the scale arrive by mail.
The end result is a very moldable snus that don't crumble or stick to the fingers.
The snus is a bit like Röda Lacket, very moldable.
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loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
The kind dog was waiting in the snowy weather while I picked up another package.
And the package is home on the glazed-in balcony. It has the best light so it is best for photography. The temperature is 0°C (32°F).
What tobacco oriented item is it in the package this time?
It is a mortar and a pestle made of granite.
And what more?
Of course it is another german instruction book because the germans have a regulation that demands items sold to Germany to come with a german instruction book.
I think the chinese do put it in every package nowadays!
I don't understand german and I definitively don't need an instruction book for a mortar and pestle but thanks anyway, now I know what a mortar is called in german, a mörser.
What does a mortar and pestle have to do with the making of snus?
Soon we will have the answer, I got an idea! :unsure:

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
The flavour of the day, juniper berry!
Four juniper berries did go into the mortar...
And two knife points gum arabic powder...
And some salt without iodine...
And a can of snus, ofcourse!
I then mixed it with a spoon and grinded it up.
One can of blend nr.97 is ready, juniper berry.
It taste good with a note of juniper berry.
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loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
i'm curious, with the gum arabic in it does it take on more of a Røda lacket consistency?
Yes it is very much like Röda Lacket in consistency, it is super easy to mold.
Also the snus do not colour the hands a lot when molded and it is not runny in the mouth.
Gum arabic makes a very convenient snus and is a natural product, it is an ingredient in a tobacco product called Oliver Twist Original by swedish match so it feels like a safe ingredient.
Just a tad gum arabic is needed so add with caution.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2022
Yes it is very much like Röda Lacket in consistency, it is super easy to mold.
Also the snus do not colour the hands a lot when molded and it is not runny in the mouth.
Gum arabic makes a very convenient snus and is a natural product, it is an ingredient in a tobacco product called Oliver Twist Original by swedish match so it feels like a safe ingredient.
Just a tad gum arabic is needed so add with caution.
thats fantastic. i love røda but they stopped selling it in Norway.

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
thats fantastic. i love røda but they stopped selling it in Norway.
Then you will like snus made like this.

Many people seem to use a kneading machine to make the snus moldable but a kneading machine is expensive and boring so I wanted to try other methods.

I really like this mortar and pestle method, it is nice to use old methods and nice to make a daily grind, pun intended.

I have read that in the old times people used to use a small coffee grinder, I guess there are many ways to put some mechanical wear to the snus.

Later today I will try the mortar and pestle method without gum arabic and see how it goes, maybe it is enough to grind it to make it sticky but I see no disadvantage with using gum arabic.
The snus I made today is so good so I can definitively recommend this method!


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2022
Then you will like snus made like this.

Many people seem to use a kneading machine to make the snus moldable but a kneading machine is expensive and boring so I wanted to try other methods.

I really like this mortar and pestle method, it is nice to use old methods and nice to make a daily grind, pun intended.

I have read that in the old times people used to use a small coffee grinder, I guess there are many ways to put some mechanical wear to the snus.

Later today I will try the mortar and pestle method without gum arabic and see how it goes, maybe it is enough to grind it to make it sticky but I see no disadvantage with using gum arabic.
The snus I made today is so good so I can definitively recommend this method!
Oh man... now i have to grow more tobacco.

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
This blend I was really excited to make. Blend 96.
It is inspired by two classic snus flavours, bergamot and juniper berry.
I don't have access to dried bergamot so I bought some dried lime in the turkish store, lime is a green citrus fruit like bergamot.
I bought the black variant of dried lime.

First I crushed the dried lime fruit...
..and removed the only seed I could find.
The dried lime did go into the mortar and became a lime powder.
I then grinded four juniper berries and made it into a small pile and made an equal size lime powder pile and grinded them together so the flavours mixed.
The aroma of this mixture is amazing!
I did then put one can of snus, a pinch of salt and two knife points of gum arabic into the mortar and mixed it with a spoon, together with the lime and juniper berry mix.
Finally I grinded the snus a few times.
It has a nice aroma, flavour and consistency, blend 96!

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
I have been working on this recipe a while, it is a very nice snus.
I have also got my camera back from a friend that had borrowed it.

Blandning 92. (Mixture 92)

0.7g dry ginger powder
1g dried juniper berry
0.8g dried lime
0.5g black pepper
1.1g salt without iodine
0.75g gum arabic
42g snus (a can)

Weigh the ingredients on a fine scale.
Mix the juniper berries, the black pepper seeds, the dried lime, the ginger powder and the salt in a mortar and grind into a fine powder.
Add the snus and the gum arabic and mix it with a spoon then grind it in the mortar.
Bake a prilla and enjoy a very tasty snus with a bit of sting to it!

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
Here is an easy recipe that you don´t need a scale for that I want to share with you.

You will need a dried lime, these are sold in bags at the persian/arabic/turkish store or can be bought online, some black pepper seeds and a mortar and pestle.
If you don´t have a mortar and pestle a coffee grinder or a pepper grinder may work, I don´t know.

First you crush one dried lime fruit and remove the seeds.
Grind 12 pepper seeds with the shards of one dried lime with the seeds removed.
Mix the fine powder with one can of snus, I like to add about a teaspoon of gum arabic to make it easy moldable.
Mix everything with a spoon and grind it, if you don`t have a mortar and pestle you can knead the snus instead.
I use to grind it one time and then remove it from the walls of the mortar and grind it a second time.

Here are some pictures of the process.
Black pepper seeds.
Crushed lime with seeds removed.
And a can of lime and pepper flavoured snus.

loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
***They raised the tax on DIY snus kits so this DIY snus kit cost double now.***

Anyway, the future of home made snus in Sweden will be ruined, take a break or go illegal. My guess is a combination of all three.

I think I should end this thread with the instruction of the kit before it is gone. I think the documentation in this thread is good enough to make the recipe live forever, just exclude the tea bags and the documentation is according to recipe.

Just use google chrome to translate it from swedish! [see following post]

Luckily I got a kit in the oven from before they killed the DIY snus kit by the monstrous taxation.DSC_0451.JPG
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loui loui

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2023
[English translation in the next post]


Instruktioner för Beredning av RAW Snussats.

Att själv tillverka sitt snus från grunden är ett hantverk som grundar sig i passion och engagemang! Gemensamt för allt gott snus är dock bra råtobak. Därför har vi försäkrat oss om att de råtobaksblandningar som ingår i Swedsnus RAW Snussats håller allra högsta Premiumkvalitet och de tillbehör som ingår är särskilt utvalda för egen snustillverkning.

Många entusiastiska snusmakare har genom åren utvecklat och raffinerat sina egna metoder och knep för att få fram det snus som passar dem själva bäst. Därför har vi valt att på enklast möjliga sätt beskriva den grundläggande processen som krävs för att få till ett riktigt bra resultat med Swedsnus RAW Snussats. Om du är nybörjare råder vi dig därför att noggrant läsa igenom och följa beredningsinstruktionerna innan du börjar med din snustillverkning. Efterhand kommer du själv säkert att utveckla egna metoder och knep för att få ditt snus precis så som just du vill ha det.

Beredning av Swedsnus RAW Snussats i Ugn.​

Rekommenderad utrustning för egen snustillverkning i ugn: Köksassistent. Elvisp. Värmetåligt kärl med tättslutande lock. Ugnstermometer. Vi avråder ifrån användning av kärl i aluminium eller rostfritt stål. Använd alltid god hygien och rena verktyg för att undvika att påverka kvalitén negativt.

Moment 1 – Tillredning och Bakning.

  1. Koka upp 1 liter vatten och tillsätt påsen innehållande 80 gram Natriumklorid (koksalt).
    *Tips: Man kan öka saltmängden upp till ca 30 gram om man föredrar mer sälta i sitt snus. Använd i så fall ett salt utan tillsatt Jod.

  2. Tillsätt saltvattenlösningen till råtobakspulvret och vispa noggrant om med elvisp tills dess att allt råtobakspulver är jämnt fuktat.

  3. Häll över snusblandningen i ett värmetåligt kärl eller plastburk med lock. Se till att snusblandningen är luftig och inte alltför tätt packad innan du sätter på locket. Om man inte har ett kärl med lock rekommenderar vi att man stoppar kärlet i en stekpåse.

  4. Värm din köksugn till 85º-90º, undervärme är om möjligt att föredra, och sätt in snusblandningen i mitten av ugnen.
    *Tips: Använd gärna en stekpåse för att undvika skarpa dofter under värmebehandlingen. Täck då hela kärlet innehållande snusblandningen med stekpåsen och förslut den.

  5. Kontrollera temperaturen på snusblandningen med en ugnstermometer. Från det att temperaturen i snusblandningen har nått 85º-90º skall den stå kvar i ugnen i 24 timmar.

Moment 2 – Avsvalning och Smaksättning.

  1. Ta ut det färdigbakade snuset efter 24 timmar i ugnen och låt det därefter svalna till rumstemperatur.
  2. Öppna påsen med 75 gram Natriumkarbonat (soda) och lös innehållet i 3 dl 40º-50º vatten och låt det svalna.
  3. Tillsätt vätskan direkt i det färska snuset och vispa väl med elvispen så att det fördelas jämt.

  4. Tillsätt påsen innehållande propylenglykol och glycerol i snuset och vispa väl med elvispen så att det fördelas jämt.
    *Tips: I det här stadiet kan man smaksätta snuset med arom. Vi rekommenderar att man i så fall blandar smaksättningen med medföljande propylenglykol och glycerol för att enklare fördela den jämnt i snuset.
Moment 3 – Slutbearbetning och Lagring.

  1. Bearbeta snuset genom att knåda det i köksassistent tills dess att önskad konsistens uppnås på snuset och man enkelt kan forma snuset till en fast prilla.
    *Tips: Använd Swedsnus Konsistenspåseför att handknåda snuset till perfekt konsistens om du inte har tillgång till en köksassistent.

Lagra eller förvara alltid färskt snus kylskåpskallt.

- När ditt färska snus väl är färdigt för lagring rekommenderar vi att man pressar ihop det lätt.

- Färskt snus vinner alltid på att lagras innan det används, då smakerna bättre tillåts att mogna. Vi rekommenderar omkring 10-14 dagars kylförvaring av färskt snus innan det tas i bruk.

- Om man upplever att snuset inte håller ihop eller är allt för löst efter lagring, bearbeta det igen enligt Moment 3 eller bearbeta det för hand med Swedsnus Konsistenspåse

- Om man önskar ett fuktigare snus kan man alltid tillsätta mer vatten i efterhand och vispa snuset väl.

Låt dig väl smakas av ditt egentillverkade lössnus!


Staff member
May 25, 2011
near Blacksburg, VA
[Translation of previous post]

Instructions for Preparation of RAW Snuff Set.

Making your own snus from scratch is a craft based on passion and commitment! Common to all good snus, however, is good raw tobacco. Therefore, we have made sure that the raw tobacco blends included in the Swedsnus RAW Snuff Set are of the highest premium quality and the accessories included are specially selected for own snuff production.

Over the years, many enthusiastic snus makers have developed and refined their own methods and tricks to produce the snus that suits them best. Therefore, we have chosen to describe in the simplest possible way the basic process required to achieve a really good result with Swedsnus RAW Snuff Set. If you are a beginner, we therefore advise you to carefully read through and follow the preparation instructions before starting your snuff making. Over time, you will surely develop your own methods and tricks to get your snus just the way you want it.

Preparation of Swedsnus RAW Snuff Set in Oven.

Recommended equipment for making your own snus in an oven: Kitchen assistant. Electric mixer. Heat-resistant container with tight-fitting lid. Oven thermometer. We advise against the use of aluminum or stainless steel vessels. Always use good hygiene and clean tools to avoid affecting the quality negatively.

Part 1 – Preparation and Baking.

Boil 1 liter of water and add the bag containing 80 grams of sodium chloride (table salt).
*Tip: You can increase the amount of salt up to about 30 grams if you prefer more salt in your snus. In that case, use a salt without added iodine.

Add the salt water solution to the raw tobacco powder and whisk thoroughly with an electric whisk until all the raw tobacco powder is evenly moistened.

Pour the snuff mixture into a heat-resistant container or plastic jar with a lid. Make sure the snuff mixture is airy and not too tightly packed before putting the lid on. If you do not have a container with a lid, we recommend that you put the container in a roasting bag.

Heat your kitchen oven to 85º-90º C, bottom heat is preferred if possible, and place the snuff mixture in the center of the oven.
*Tip: Feel free to use a roasting bag to avoid pungent smells during the heat treatment. Then cover the entire vessel containing the snus mixture with the frying bag and seal it.

Check the temperature of the snuff mixture with an oven thermometer. From the time the temperature in the snuff mixture has reached 85º-90º C, it must remain in the oven for 24 hours.

Part 2 – Cooling and Flavoring.

Take out the finished snus after 24 hours in the oven and then let it cool to room temperature.
Open the bag with 75 grams of sodium carbonate (soda) and dissolve the contents in 3 dl of 40º-50ºC water and let it cool.
Add the liquid directly to the fresh snus and beat well with the electric beater so that it is distributed evenly.

Add the bag containing propylene glycol and glycerol to the snuff and beat well with the electric beater so that it is distributed evenly.
*Tip: At this stage, you can flavor the snus with aroma. In that case, we recommend that you mix the flavoring with the included propylene glycol and glycerol to make it easier to distribute it evenly in the snus.
Phase 3 – Final Processing and Storage.

Process the snuff by kneading it in a kitchen assistant until the desired consistency is achieved on the snuff and you can easily shape the snuff into a solid ball.
*Tip: Use the Swedsnus Consistency Bag to hand knead the snus to the perfect consistency if you don't have access to a kitchen assistant.

Always store or keep fresh snus refrigerated.
- Once your fresh snus is ready for storage, we recommend that you compress it lightly.
- Fresh snus always benefits from being stored before use, as the flavors are better allowed to mature. We recommend about 10-14 days of cold storage of fresh snus before it is used.
- If you feel that the snus does not hold together or is too loose after storage, process it again according to Step 3 or process it by hand with Swedsnus Consistency Bag
- If you want a moister snus, you can always add more water afterwards and whisk the snus well.
Let yourself be tasted by your self-made loose snus!