This is a photo of my curing chamber as it looks today. It has gotten a well used look after 3 and a half years. This is a load of virginia that has been cured off and is ready to shred. As long as it is freezing in the garage there is no rush but I will probably shred it in the next day or so. Before I convert it to a flue cure machine it will have to be scrubbed out and disinfected again. I estimate that the chamber has run 7,500 hours at 125 degrees the door seals are still good, and the plastic trim strips around the door opening still look ok with little warpage. During the first month of testing I ran the chamber at 165 for a week just to see what would happen. That was the upper limit of my thermostat. This was done in july and the temps in the garage were about 80f. You can see the added insulation on the chamber that I glued on also.