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New Member
Jan 9, 2020
Traverse City, Michigan
Hey guys. I’m a noob and currently making my first batch of snus. My mix is:
161g Nicotina Rustica
41g fronto
39g Maryland 609
39g burley
39g Virginia flue cured
60g mixed stems from formally mentioned tobacco
58g salt desalted in 2.3 cups water
(More water was added 24 hours later when snus seemed dry)
25g sodium carbonate dissolved in 1/2 cup water.
I started in a crock pot on high with temp controller set to 72 degree c with a 2 degree c differential. After 24 hours I stirred and set crock pot to low. Seems to stay around 68 degrees c now. 48 hours in I added sodium carbonate dissolved in water and mixed thoroughly. That was about 8 hours ago. I went to check again and stir. The aroma is eye watering and I’m getting excited as I can actually see the ammonia evaporate when I open the lid and stir. I’m beginning to think about flavoring. I would like to go for a Wintergreen for my first batch. I have a lorann wintergreen essential oil, a synthetic methyl salicylate oil, lorann spearmint, lorann peppermint, lorann creme de menthe, and some various other citrus and bergamot oils for future batches. I do not have sweeteners but I’m sure I can get from the store tomorrow. Has anyone had any experience flavoring with these wintergreen or mint oils? I’m afraid of messing it up and would love someone with experience to shed some light if possible please. Also additional sweetness? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
Charlotte, NC
I have used these oils for other purposes, so I can advise you that a little goes a long way. Start with a small amount and slowly add more until you get to a level you like. Also, the mint oils are extremely volatile, so make sure you add them after you batch is completely cool. Otherwise they will evaporate off immediately and your lungs and eyes will be burning!
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