Yes, wholeheartedly agree, Bob.Building a flue-cure chamber is far less work than growing even a tiny crop of tobacco.
I've seen a bit of this sentiment lately--that flue curing is for the "advanced" grower--and it tends to come from people who to my knowledge have not flue cured.
We all have specialized skills that others have said they couldn't do, but we know they can and that all that's holding them back is self-doubt.
Flue curing requires a moderate amount of money, or ingenuity, a modest understanding of insulation, and fire safety, and a decent ability to follow instructions.
In my climate, wholeheartedly, growing is the hardest part, and varies significantly year to year. Flue curing, mind you is the one thing I know was worth it to learn, and is fairly consistent.
(don't look here for instructions. Check the Key forum threads)