Founding Member
My wife is regional Agriculture support for 60 counties keeping their computors updated. We have 6 of those in Texas. She swears by the guys in the field. Talk to one of them. (Or swears at em )
So my next question is about wind, all growing season the forecast is 10-20 S. S.W. pretty typical to have periods of 15-30 with gusts to 45, Here the planting season is late and short, mostly a 3 week window, the last two of may and first of june as the ground temps are just too cool earlier. this almost always is followed by a hot blow that can produce some sand burn on crops like cotton. I am going to Imagine I could start transplants a little earlier and I have a spot In mind that is well away from cultivation surrounded by pasture so the tender starters wouldn't get sandblasted. but there is wind. I noted in a post I read here someone mentioned some wind damage so just how delicate is tobacco where wind is a concern?
Little Dutch is a true gem, and I have grown it most years.
now I wonder about the cigar / pipe varieties like the Little Dutch you mentioned, do they have some characteristic that makes them undesirable for use in a cigarette?
To read here without actually trying the different leaf you would think they vary between being soft like a pillow and hard as concrete but I am starting to think these differences may be far more subtle.
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.