They sell it at Michael's.
Thread resurrection time guys. Can anyone supply a link to the proper type of Licorice or Licorice extract to add to chew to for flavour. When I search the net I get mostly tinctures creams candies and so on. Thanks
Thanks GdaddyI will get a bottle of that on hand and see what kind of a concoction I can put together. I also didn’t know there were different types of molasses. Do you add glycerin or any other things I may find useful. Thanks
Thanks again Gdaddy I can use the neighbors press any time I like so I will certainly try that out, makes sense it should really merge everything. I will look at your video some time I get near wifi I’m too cheap to pay for internet at home haha just using cell data.
Thanks @Gdaddy my first 3 attempts at making chew last night were a horrible failure of super sticky, super sugary, bad tasting garbage. haha but I haven’t given up yet.
Turns out I dont like condensed apple juice that much.
I also don’t think I like the aroma from “blackstrap molasses” I will try “fancy molasses”. I’m using some flu cure scraps to test with and certainly haven’t produced anything worth even pressing but hope to eventually.
I didn’t press any yet no I am only doing about 2 leaves at a time and trying it without pressing. It was so terrible that a press couldn’t fix it.
The 4th batch actually shows potential and I will recreate it again in quantity enough to press it. The only thing I don’t like about batch 4 is the blackstrap molasses is too rich for me. I will try fancy grade molasses next time in hopes of a milder flavour.
Do you think 100% Virginia flue cure would make a nice chew? It’s all I have ready right now to experiment with. When I washed a leaf of Levi Garrett it didn’t appear to be a flue cured leaf it was too dark.
WOw. Glad I read this. I thought about doing this, now may hold off. From a storage standpoint, do you store them separate to limit cross flavoring to non licoriced cigars??The addition of licorice root extract has been my latest experiment and takes the cigar to a whole new level. It's really fantastic. Super smooth and tasty. No detection of any flavor just a great improvement overall. I've tried many toppings with poor results until now. A mellow, slightly sweet woody flavor that enhances every leaf for the better. Removes harshness in a big way and has NO flavor of licorice what so ever. (most licorice candy is flavored with anise) The cigar is amazingly good.
The bad news is that licorice root when it is burnt produces several nasty chemicals. Benzene being one of the worst one. Licorice is used in cigarettes and not looked at favorably.
The argument could be made two ways. The positive side would be that 4 cigars a week would be much less benzene than a pack a day cigarette smoker. The other negative side of the argument would be that I'm voluntarily increasing toxicity levels that really isn't necessary other than enhancing the flavor. But this is why we smoke, isn't it? For the flavor? This is why cigarette companies do it.
Since cigar smoking isn't the most healthy thing to do in the first place adding a known carcinogen to the mix may not be the wisest thing to do even when done in moderation.
Since I'm not inhaling the smoke are the benzene levels so low that the added risk is minimal? According to the FDA the acceptable level of benzene is zero. I don't have the answer. Certainly benzene is present even in the air we breath or car exhaust or filling your gas tank but intentionally adding it to my cigars as well as some other toxic chemicals??? May not be the best thing but, on the other hand, it certainly makes for a more pleasurable smoking experience.
Makes me wonder what cigars I've been smoking that have this added already. You know, the ones that are super smooth and woody with slight sweetness. I may have been smoking them for years and don't know it. The tobacco from WLT is not treated with licorice(I don't think it is) so it has an advantage at the sacrifice of some smoothing and flavor.
What say you?
From the FOPH about licorice...
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.