If your area isnt prone to a lot of rain...and the shed has good airflow..you may be good...but if it rains a lot..your gonna have issues..
A fan..a heater..and a sealed room is the safest way to cure it...allthough a opening is nice to capture some moisture when its available..
A member on here.."boboro" cures in a area similar to your shed..perhaps you can p.m. him and ask him what he thinks of your area..and how to tweak it..hes from missiippii. So perhaps you 2 may be on the same geographic level also.
A fan..a heater..and a sealed room is the safest way to cure it...allthough a opening is nice to capture some moisture when its available..
A member on here.."boboro" cures in a area similar to your shed..perhaps you can p.m. him and ask him what he thinks of your area..and how to tweak it..hes from missiippii. So perhaps you 2 may be on the same geographic level also.