Well-Known Member
The spoon on my stuffer folded up. Its 3 or so hard years old and the wife has been usein it. As far as I know you cant get parts for them. I took it apart to see if the top amatic spoon mite work. Not to hard to work on. lots of asst. screws a few bushins a spring and beirin. The spoon is at the vevy bottom. The topamatic spoon was not a match. Tryed a few things that didnt work. Ended up takein the spoon off the arm and just changein out the spoon its self. Its about 1' and ahalf short even aftermovin it down the arm shaft as far as I could. Super glue and clamped it on. Other than the spoon the in side looked good. Its a well built stuffer and if I cant get a spoon Ill get a nutther one SOON. The spoon was tite in the chamber but it worked. stuffed a few but wanted the glue to set a while before stuffin a lot.
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