Black Dog.
The old canine cryptid of England. There are a few iterations of mysterious black dogs, the coolest of which is the "Black Shuck" that terrorized the town of Peterborough England as long ago as 1127 and is thought to be the inspiration for one of my favourite Sherlock Holmes stories; The Hound of The Baskervilles. You'll need to do your own pipe smoking for this story because there isn't as much of it going on as there is in others. In fact, Holmes himself is absent for a while. Let's say this is a tobacco to supplement the lack of Holmes' characteristic hobby.
Black dogs are cool.
Here's one that won't bite:
2 parts half/half cavendish (any mild cavendish would be good, I used half/half flu cured and burley made into black cavendish in the typical way)
1 part Prilep (or use any oriental)
1 part Little Dutch (I don't know if there's a substitute for this)
1 part Latakia (leave this out if you don't like it or have it on hand)
Very agreeable and easy to smoke with a sweet aromatic and smokey quality.
I've been mucking around with these ingredients for a while and as long as I'm in the ball park of these proportions it tastes relatively the same so it can be roughly eyeballed. I'm very pleased with this one, so I do hope you'll try it and let me know what you think.
Here is another black dog who won't bite, helping me smoke this. Allow me to introduce Hank, the not-quite-so-legendary Black Schmuck of Peterborough Canada! He's cool for different reasons.
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