An additional fee has been added to packages and letters containing "goods" from a non-EU country. The additional tax is 60 SKR + extra tax. Which means that the recipient must pay 75 Swedish kronor to get home an order that in itself may only be worth 5 SKR. Now the Swedish postal service provider has a small concern (as no-one could understand before). The company has to pay back delivery to the seller for about 400'000 letters and packages that haven't been pay for.I have got some problem with this taxes when people have sent me some seed. So I can tell member in Sweden that they shall not be worried, as long a letter goes between two private persons ( with a value above 500 SKR) the gift shall be free from this taxes. But problem will come if or when we order stuff from companies. So please make sure that you (Swedish member) tell the person that send anything to you to also write"I sending you this as a gift.. That word can save you from alot of e-mail and/or phone call to different places (trust me been there done that). Not funny and to be honest I would not have done it if it wasn't for one specific letter. https://translate.googleusercontent...700201&usg=ALkJrhirhucd9wx1a7gc6bvE9mIF0uC6pA