Up-Date Time.
Well the seeds have been on the go for 44 days now or 1053 hours as of the 12 of Jan. the average speed of the seed works out to be 12.31 mph. And 13000 miles travelled to date.
I have up-dated the list and wish everyone the best of luck with their guesses, and thanks to all who have taken part in this fun venture for looking after the seed, and moving it on it's way.
There are some good guesses there but Madhouse is the closest at the halfway point at 12.15 mph.
Best of luck to everyone. I will up-date this as it continues on it's journey.
Dean 11 mph
Markw 18 mph and 23.8mph
Colin 27 mph and 24.7 mph
Jekylnz 15 mph and 10 mph
Ricky 60 20 mph and 35 mph
Madhouse 28.57 and 12.15mph
Deluxustogie Lost in Post and 98.6 mph
Grgfinney 13 mph and 6mph
Chillardbee 24 mph and 32 mph
Brownthumb 0.09 mph and 69.69 mph
Frozenthunderbolt 39.6 mph
Ben Brand 9 mph and 14.7 mph
Dgbama 11.11 mph and 22.22 mph
Darren 1979 1mph and .5 mph
Springheal 128 mph and 55mph
FmGrowit 1,000,000 mph
Falaholic 29.338 mph
Mad Oshea 11 mph and 7 mph
Knucklehaed 16 mph and 7.5mph