Well-Known Member
I'm new at growing and I harvested my Virginia Gold 2 months ago. I know it takes about 2 years to really cure or use a kiln for faster results but being inpatient to try this I took a bunch of leaf, destemmed them, sprayed them until soaked with a mixture of honey and water ( 1 Tbsp. per 8 oz. ) and stuffed the leaves into my press for 5 days. Then after removal from the press I let them sit for a week to dry and I just tried them today. Here is the photo. The tobacco is not bad at all. It tastes like a tame version of WLT Kentucky Burley. I'm sure it's character .will change as it ages. What I am happy about is that I can grow something I can live with if there are tobacco shortages or government directives. Who knows what the future holds. I am still a huge fan of WLT.