Position in chain | members name/tag | world location | Number of seed strains in package when sent | date sent |
chain start send | madhouse | UK Kent | 20 | 30 Nov 13 |
1 | Mad Oshea | USA New Mexico | ? | ? |
2 | Markw | UK SE London | ? | ? |
3 | grgfinney | USA Michigan | ? | ? |
4 | FALaholic | USA Florida | ? | ? |
5 | DGBAMA | USA Alabama | ? | ? |
6 | BenBrand | South Africa Vaalwater | ? | ? |
7 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
8 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
9 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
10 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
chain end return | madhouse | UK Kent | ? | x |
Position in chain | members name/tag | world location | Number of seed strains in package when sent | date sent |
chain start send | madhouse | UK Kent | 20 | 30 Nov 13 |
1 | Mad Oshea | USA New Mexico | ? | ? |
2 | Markw | UK SE London | ? | ? |
3 | grgfinney | USA Michigan | ? | ? |
4 | FALaholic | USA Florida | ? | ? |
5 | DGBAMA | USA Alabama | ? | ? |
6 | BenBrand | South Africa Vaalwater | ? | ? |
7 | Brown Thumb | USA Pennsylvania | ? | ? |
8 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
9 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
10 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
chain end return | madhouse | UK Kent | ? | x |
madhuse Bill, Can I put in a request??? Will You put in all of and not only the strains You are putting in for the Guess? Kinda like a ball game square? The 5 strains You are including? May be more Folks will want in? Still need 4. And it's comin to Me now. Like post a list of what may be in the strains to guess from. We know You are honest and like the year end (here) game. Wat Ya think?
Hi jekylnz i would love to send the package down under in actual fact i was hoping we could, i had a look on the biosecurity.govt.nz web site and this is what i found,You can put me down if you want to send it down this side of the earth...that will change the mileage a bit. Lol
i don't think i can make a judgement call on this one, the import regs for NZ are so strict that sending 20 packets could be a problem for the sender and receiver, i think its up to the other members and the member who would be sending to you or there is Option 2 above and they would get to you.Nicotiana tabacum
The following entry conditions only apply to species in the Plants Biosecurity Index listed under Import Specifications for Seed as “see 155.02.05 under Nicotiana tabacum”.
Countries: All
Quarantine Pests: Peronospora tabacina
Entry Conditions:
Phytosanitary Certificate Additional Declarations:
"Peronospora tabacini is not known to occur in _____ (the country or state where the seed was produced) _____".
(i) "The seed is from a crop that has been inspected during the growing season and no Peronospora tabacini was detected".
(ii) "The seed was treated with _____ (insert one of the options below) _____".
Note: One of the following fungicide combinations is to be used:
(i) metalaxyl at 0.7g a.i. per kg seed and captan at 0.7g a.i. per kg seed.
(ii) metalaxyl at 0.7g a.i. per kg seed and thiram at 1g a.i. per kg seed.
The seed is to be untreated before despatch and consigned to MPI-approved Seed Testing Station to test for Peronospora tabacini, at the expense of the importer.
(a) If the tests are negative the seed is to be treated with one of the following fungicide combinations before release to the importer:
(i) metalaxyl at 0.7 g a.i. per kg seed and captan at 0.7 g a.i. per kg seed.
(ii) metalaxyl at 0.7 g a.i. per kg seed and thiram at 1 g a.i. per kg seed.
(b) If the tests are positive the seed is to be reshipped or destroyed.
Permit to import: Required
PEQ: Level 3
Minimum Period: 1 growing season
Am I right to say, that every person who receives the seeds take out 3 marked packets and replace it with 3 unmarked packets of seed? I think I am 6th on the list, if that happens and everybody before me took 2 or 3 packets of marked seed, the there won`t be much to choose from, and even less for number 8 and 9. Have I got it wrong, do we replace it with unmarked seed? I know the seeds are on the way already, just want to make sure.
Position in chain | members name/tag | world location | Number of seed strains in package when sent | date sent |
chain start send | madhouse | UK Kent | 20 | 30 Nov 13 |
1 | Mad Oshea | USA New Mexico | ? | ? |
2 | Markw | UK SE London | ? | ? |
3 | grgfinney | USA Michigan | ? | ? |
4 | FALaholic | USA Florida | ? | ? |
5 | DGBAMA | USA Alabama | ? | ? |
6 | BenBrand | South Africa Vaalwater | ? | ? |
7 | Brown Thumb | USA Pennsylvania | ? | ? |
8 | Hasse SWE | Sweden | ? | ? |
9 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
10 | Position open | ? | ? | ? |
chain end return | madhouse | UK Kent | ? | x |
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.