I think carbs get a bad rap. I think pre-packaged, over-processed, additives & bleached "food" is where the problem lies. Gluten-free, carb-free wasn't on the scope 100 years ago. We have immensely over-complicated our food, and confused our bodies in the process. (mine included.)
Milk isn't evil because it makes people lactose intolerant. Current milk processing kills the natural lactaid in milk. Gluten isn't the problem with wheat. The problem is, whole wheat contains enzymes to break down gluten, which is removed in making white flour. Food doesn't make people sick. "Food" made by industry has made people sick. Honey is bad for you in over-abundance, but it's one of the most healthy things out there. It's about whole food, taken in a balanced way. If you eat nothing but grains, you'll get sick. I'm sorry DonH, I don't buy into the saturated fat diet. It may work, but at what cost?