Some more interesting but useless info, heck, maybe not even interesting.
I sprayed some of my harsh stuff with a 2% solution, some lightly, some moderately. But what is moderately anyway. The heavier sprayed stuff had improved but still was something only someone having a nic fit would smoke, maybe in a cigarette. So I decided to see if I make a difference and used a meaningful amount of spray. I mixed up a 5% solution of citric acid and sprayed it until sopping wet. So it was wetted thoroughly but as I had it on a sloping surface the excess could immediately run off. This made a significant change, much less harsh now, but there was something I will call a bluntness developing. Oh yeah, alkali and acid are going to yield a salt. It wasn't yet salty but I figured more acid would make it so, so I left it the time being.
I had some store bought black cavendish and it was too mild. If I wanted any flavor I had to burn it hot and heavy, no way to smoke a pipe. I blended this cavendish with about 25% of my harsh stuff. Maybe I should have used 15-20% but it definitely gave it some cajones. So I will save my harsh stuff and if I acquire another batch of sissyfied leaf I will add a pinch. I reckon this is my first blend.