Thank you China Voodoo and Hasse. It just I am feeling quite down lately. However, whenever I smoke my last crop, give me some hope that I can do better. And my seedlings are showing healthy growth so I think I better carry on.
I have cleared the plant that I suspect infected by TMV. I will plant all other seedlings on different bed but it is too close with current one so hopefully it wouldn't infected too.
Few notes for the paper pots.
- it seems like a good idea for me because I have many recycle paper from my day work.
- I use it because Deluxestoogies say that my seedlings in egg carton will need full depth for root, so I think bigger pot will give advantage for root growth.
-If I were to do it all over again I will double the paper, as it will easily tear after watering and my kittens love to play around the pot and destroy it.
-it's cheaper than seedling flat but takes a little work so I dont think for bigger grow than mine will be beneficial. It also can only be use one time, so seedling flats might be a better investment.
- I dont know the full strength of the pot whether it will survive until transplant, or I will have a mess of soil. I do keep as many as possible seedlings on original sowing container as back up. Maybe if you start indoor, in much controlled environment the paper pots will be much better than mine.
-water the pot after you put it in final location. I water the pot before moving it and as you can see, it cannot handle being moved.
- not everything you watch on internet is good idea. For me, although it is cheaper, but it just too much work and too fragile. YMMV