Toscano cigar ..... including:
* 100% Kentucky tobacco
* Dark fired tobacco and OGM free
Anatomy of Toscano Cigar:
Toscano cigar consists of 2 parts: the wrapper, which also acts as the binder, and the filler. In other cigars, such as a Caribbean, you have 3 parts: the wrapper, the binder, and the filler.
The Flame Curing Process:
The Kentucky tobacco in Toscano cigars is flame-cured using a traditional Italian tobacco crafting process. The tobacco leaves are cured in ovens fueled by oak and beech woods, which infuse the Toscano with a unique flavor. This treatment has been unchanged for almost 200 years, and it is part of what gives you the one-of-a-kind characteristics of the Toscano cigar.
The Fermentation Process
The tobacco in Toscano cigars undergoes a fermentation process that lasts from 30 to 50 days, depending on the type of cigar. ...