Well-Known Member
Helps you value the work done to keep and provide seed....
Do you ever find bud worms inside the professional seed bags?
Awesome! I'm impressed. Do you all get federal funding? Who do I need to write to make sure it is appreciated and continued?
That would be a +1Do you take small donations and how would that be done? I like seeing the doors open over there. Paypal would be good for us peons. Perhaps a Donate button on the new GRIN Global site?
Since GRIN is no longer the Government, you could certainly charge a small payment for seed and postage to requests from non-research individuals.
You're part of the gov't, but don't receive gov't funding?
now begins the fun of shelling. thankfully we still pay the previous curator to do this, otherwise it'd take me all winter long to get thru it all. im hoping to go see him do it this year so I can see his method.
I had Izmir that didn't set any seed one year. About half the plants were bagged and half open pollinated. The pods were small but otherwise looked normal, but there wasn't a seed in any of them. Never figured out why. Everything else we had did fine. We grew the same Izmir from the same seed the next year (along with seed from a second source) and got copious amounts of seed from both. The no Izmir seed year is still a mystery to us. ??
I had Izmir that didn't set any seed one year. About half the plants were bagged and half open pollinated. The pods were small but otherwise looked normal, but there wasn't a seed in any of them. Never figured out why. Everything else we had did fine. We grew the same Izmir from the same seed the next year (along with seed from a second source) and got copious amounts of seed from both. The no Izmir seed year is still a mystery to us. ??
have you ever had any trouble with your One Sucker in the field? I don't know if it was the weather or what, but mine didn't set very many capsules and it was no longer in flower when I harvested the heads so I don't know if floral morphology had anything to do with it.
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.