View attachment 40383
Home blend of roughly equal parts; sun cured Oxford cavendish, Little Dutch cavendish and Prilep Cavendish. I love this mix. It's smooooooooooooo- OOOOOTH. The LD Cavendish has a distinctive wood-smoke aroma, which mixes nicely with the rich Oxford VA. 1/3 might be a bit much with the Prilep cav on this one as it can get a bit overbearing in this mix. I'll tweek it. I also suspect that a good pinch of Latakia would set of the whole thing. More tests are needed.
View attachment 40384
In the background that ice castle looking thing is my BBQ burried under the emergency levels of snow that we got nailed with today. And another shot of my deck somewhere under there. Very annoying, very wanting of a relaxing pipe. Thanks for looking.
View attachment 40385