You are right in I am limiting information until the tobacco is completely launched in the market. This project has been in the making for over 4 years and is more than legit. The mentioned company has been on the ground and in his own words, " If I could pick up this soil and trade you I would do it right now." I have an extensive agronomy background and I assure you I know exactly what I have and what I am doing. I am sure you are aware, soil is only one component. Our big difference maker is combined with equator sun we get beautiful cloud diffusion on an almost daily basis. Temperature range is ideal and a fantastic humidity swing each day. Perfect PH count in a virgin soil base never farmed before, ever till I began agricultural food production!
I have been fortunate to have several key industry people give me great advice on varieties to grow, spacing, curing barn construction, etc. Have been given great seed base from the original areas where each type came from. We have all heard wild claims from people when it comes to this industry. You also know the industry wants something new consistently. Fermentation has already been done as well as taste validation. If you want I will keep you posted as the time is near for the first cigars to hit the industry this fall. I do respect and appreciate your comments which is why I am responding.