It's the thermostat line running along radiant heating feed and return lines.Is that a heating tape along the copper pipe?
Yes. It's heated a little. The water in the pipe leaves the boiler at 180 inches and returns at 150 acres. However, the room they are in is only 45 fluid scruples.Translated to American, does that mean that the Andullo stash location is heated or not heated?
Excellent idea.I use surgical tubing for clamping odd shaped pieces of wood for gluing. The clamping pressure is tremendous with plenty of glue squeeze out, and you don’t have to wind the tubing nearly as tightly as you would think. I have used it in making gun stocks and have seen the method used in making guitars. It would be much easier to use, less tiring for the individual, and create more pressure than rope. If you clamp a little more tightly in the beginning, the tubing will shrink as the tobacco shrinks.
I use similar to this. This is just a photo I found on the web.
6707 - Latex Rubber Tubing | PAR Group
Available in a range of sizes and colours. Typically used in medical, dosing and peristaltic pump applications; it is very flexible and
This shows the method used to clamp guitar binding.
Rubber Clamping Bands - StewMac
The fastest way to hold binding in place while
Guitar neck under pressure
View attachment 33990
It's a familiar smell. I don't know if it categorizes as pleasant, but I believe it's fermentation rather than rot. (if there's a distinction between those two things).Does it smell ok? Looks like some cool fermentation going on in there. If it smells ok, I'd just let it cook a little longer and then see what you have.
This is what a few days has done. It is much softer than before. Not sure how to proceed. I'm afraid that if I were to rewrap it that it would turn to mush. Maybe poke holes in it to let the liquid leak out? I see how rope or banana leaf or something would allow for it to gradually dry. My intention was to keep air out and prevent mold, but then this.
View attachment 34014
Yeah. Maybe I should save it to do finger paintings on my cigar wrappers.That‘s just tobacco goo? Awesome!!
Ugh. I am addicted to gummies and rather fond of licorice. I'm afraid chimo could be a really bad habit. Unless if it's hard like brittle, in which case, I would probably hate it.Maybe...
Home-made Chimo
Since I only had a small amount of green leaves this year, I decided to try my hand at making Chimo. This product is nearly impossible to order anymore so it was high-time I got busy on a recipe. The basics involve boiling your green leaves, straining them, adding a little sweetener and
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.