Well-Known Member
Wish I could grow alot of them in ground Dave..but with my poor,thin topsoil [barley few inches in alot spots] I have to grow-up..not down.
Thats stuff works great [black kow] my neighbor has been using it for some time now..he has great looking tomatoes every I been trying to explain he also grows in those huge 5-gal paint buckets..he has same problem we all do here..very very shallow topsoil on top limestone rock!! only way could every grow anything in the ground you would have to build a very expensive "raised bed" of some kind..or grow in anything get your hands on. I honestly understand BEST way to grow is in the ground..just wish I could all saying. good example is many years ago when I first tried to till my garden up [25'X25'] using a tiller.. I hit so much rock that for days my arms were still shaking from the some spots have I ok 10-12" of topsoil but just few feet away theres nothing..would should have done back then was start building-up using the raised bed idea.
I'm with ya chicken, I've been thinking of getting a bagger for my tractor, I mow about 2 acres and was thinking if I move all that to a spot to rot I could probably put a couple feet of that over my patch in the spring every year, plus all the leaves in fall etc, I'd be able to stop using miracle grow, ah who am I kidding I'd still use it just as much I love that stuff
Just adding this bit of info to the general forum but using Chickens post as the carrier since we're on the current subject of soil amendments.
Besides the usually associated cow manures ,mushroom compost, peat, sand,etc. - If you guys (and few gals) don't have a compost bucket or pile (I have one of those fancy schmancy barrel types you turn every day) start one. Every organic kitchen scrap and garden trash you generate , put it in the compost bin. That goes for the corrugated cardboard boxes and paper(just not the shiny ad papers) used coffee grounds/tea bags, egg shells, banana peels, grass clippings(dry and fresh) and of course tobacco leaves that don't make quality ...just NO MEAT or FAT scraps or you'll attract vermin and it will stink. Also sodas (coca cola ,etc)and beer .It all adds to a nice healthy ecosystem of organic soil amendments we call compost.
Convert a plastic barrel into a composter so turning the pile doesn't end up in a back injury. Not difficult .
As you were folks. Carry on.
I just visited my son this morning and he had a plastic barrel in the bed of his truck so I asked him what was in it pit ash...he is going to dump it somewhere..I said bring it to me I'll put it on my garden.
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.