John, I've been using the stringing horse method you are talking about. The way I string is to make two full wraps around approx. three stems. You want to start your wrap so the tag end and running end cross each other when finished with the wrap, rather than tag end entering one side and running end exiting the other without crossing. This will mean first wrap going clockwise around the stem on your side of the stick, counterclockwise on the opposite side of the stick. Once you've made the two wraps (no knots, just wraps), roll the bundle of leaves toward your starting point to tighten up the bundle and snug it with the bundle opposite it. As the leaf dries, you may need to tighten the whole by beginning with the first bundle, roll it, and work your way from starting point to ending point giving each bundle a roll. Works great and I've not had one single leaf fall out, and I can completely let go of the string between bundles. The leaves will hold in place while you make your next bundle. It goes really fast once you get the rhythm. I think the important part is making sure the tag and running ends cross over one another, this seems to form a semi self tightening wrap.