No sun there in Florida?
Ha Ha. Took me a minute to figure out what you were getting at. Yes, that is one thing we do have a super abundance of, but I haven't rigged up any kind of apparatus yet for sun curing. Maybe I'll try to come up with something tomorrow.No sun there in Florida?
Primed my prilep today. Just a few leaves from each plant. They look green in the picture, but they are definitely lighter than the leaves just above them. Will yellow them in a box for several days, then hang them in the garage. The very bottom leaves are most likely junk, but the larger ones are thicker, sticky and somewhat aromatic. May have been just a tad early, but we'll see.
I'm just now beginning to have some suckering and it's all on the base of the stalks. I don't plan on removing any of them, nor do I plan on topping. I'm planning on bagging a few flower heads when it's time. I was thinking of using paint strainer bags for this. I don't know, I seem to remember reading somewhere of someone using them. I'll have to look at how coarse the texture is on them.Unlike most varieties, Prilep suckers are as good as the primary leaf. Here’s a couple of posts. For further reading enter Prilep suckers in the search box, top right.
Diameter of a mature plant?
Okay, so I'm already thinking about next year's garden. I'm isolating at home 24/7 and planning the garden is something cheerful to do. I'll have about 50 x 40 sq ft area for tobacco. I know to plant the Orientals at the much closer spacing between plants and rows, and the others 3 feet
Radagast Grow blog attempt 2020
Looks like it was a victim of BBDP (big black dog pee). As an owner of a lovable black lab, I am well versed in this phenomenon, to the detriment of my
Photo of my tobacco - OldDinosaur
Bob: I was out back checking, and my Bolivia Criollo plants are definitely more compact than the photos you have attached. My tallest is about 5 1/2 feet, and has produced (including primings) 24 or 25 leaves. They are still growing and have yet to produce a bloom head. The leaves are
Could be that you're right, most likely you are, but I'm going to try it again this fall with some harrow velvet just to see if a different strain does better.My first comment about the second picture after the third priming (just sum them, then take the square root, to find the solution) is that Prilep is normally closely planted, so does well in surprisingly small pots. Ahus is expecting an actual field. I think the Ahus looks very good for potted. (My general impression is that full-size tobacco varieties grown in a pot grow to about 2/3 of their expected height, with leaves about 2/3 of their expected length. Oriental varieties seem to grow normally in a pot.)
False alarm, the one with pink flowers is now putting out lavender flowers.I have two Prilep plants with open flowers on them, one has pink flowers, the other has lavender colored flowers. I've bagged both of them and if they both produce seeds, I'll try to do a small side by side grow to see if there are any differences. I don't know if this is common or not, just thought it was curious. Not the greatest pictures, but you can see the difference.
We discuss any variety of tobacco, as well as numerous approaches to growing, harvesting, curing, and finishing your crop. Our members will attempt to provide experience-based answers to your questions.