If you can get more of the Costello Negro going I highly recommend it. I was gifted some leaf samples that air cured to a bright yellow. It air cured to the color that the flue cure guys are shooting for by flue curing. It was one of the best single variety smokes I've ever tried. It was wonderful in a cigarette by itself, but too mild for my daily smoke, I go full throttle. It is a flue cure variety that tastes like a flue cure/oriental blend, but with out blending.
Thats a lot of limestone you dug up!
well i went to south florida today....
loaded up on oranges and tangerines,,,
about 50 oranges,,,,and 150 tangerines....... a lot of my local friends will be happy.....share,,share,,,share
i do a lot of picking everytime i go that way
Where do you go? I'd be interested in taking the kids. Thanks.
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