i know some pic's have been long anticipated....
ive got a lot done to my patch this year... making designated rows covered with weed barrier. and in between the rows. ive covered it with '' conveyer belt'' so no weeds grow there.. and ive fortified the soil with..cow..chicken..horse poop.. and bat guano...cotton left overs [ which is real nice its like potting soil ] sawdust..cedar clippings from horse stalls..[ mixed with horse poop ] and a pile of landscaping material i run across which looks to be pine bark ground up with some soil mixed in.. [ got about a 1/2 ton of that stuff.. really a good find ]
and i got my irrigation system installed... 6 '' wobbler '' type overhead sprinklers...
this has really been a year to just get the garden and the bacca patch up to par for years to come.
AND IM BUILDING A OFFICIAL CURING BARN which should be completed next weekend. the barns pretty much built but i got to do it from paycheck to paycheck..[ im sure u guys know how that is ] next weekend ill get the shingles for the roof, and it'll be done...i was gonna go with a tin roof.. but i got this plywood so why not use it, eventually ill line the outside with my river / flint rock i got and seal it all up '' decorativelly ''
..here it is,
my grow minus some picking ive done allready,,
those green things u see in my patch are inscet traps.. i have a pregnant daughter right now. and the '' ZIKA VIRUS'' is something i dont want to chance. plus it may catch a hornworm moth... but ive not found one yet in my traps..
on the far side of the bacca rows i got virginia jumbo peanuts growing... and on the other side i got a minature garden growing... corn.. okra.. squash... zuchinni,,, and watermelons. i really got sidetracked with making my rows and the irrigation.. so the bacca grow isnt 100 % this year.. id say its 80% I GOT A LOT OF WASTED SPACE THAT WAS MEANT FOR BACCA...