"Yaka" refers to orientals grown on the slopes of hills or mountains,
specifically in the Black Sea region.
Xanthi is a type of oriental, the best of which are collectively known as
Basma (which actually refers to the pressing method of baling used on the
best grades).
From "Aromatic or Oriental Tobaccos", Frederick A. Wolf, Duke Press 1962.
An interesting read.
Xanthi is a tobacco market in Greece and the locally produced tobacco
sold there is called Xanthi as well. It is a Basma type oriental as
are all Macedonian varieties. Yaka is grown in the same region of
GReece and also over the border in Bulgaria.
It is quite possible they are buying a blend of the two, or they are
distinguishing between the two Yaka varieties. A search of
Does not show Yaka, only Yala. Easy to confuse. While the term Basma
originally refered to a way of baling the leaf by farmers, it now
refers to a family of oriental tobaccos which share certain chemical
chrateristics. Izmir/smyrna is superficially similar but is chemically
Yaka is also grown in Macedonia (the country). Anceint Macedonia is
plit into three states: Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece. Yaka is their
second largest tobacco crop. I suspect xanthi yaka refers to greecian
From discussion at a cigar forum @
Only one person offered source as mentioned above.