Breaking news!
I must make a confession. I have been lying to everyone for weeks now. It pains me greatly to say this, but I, GreenDragon (AKA Steve), have mis-identified a plant!
I usually have to endure the curse of never being wrong about anything; it's quite a burden by I struggle on. There was a horrible incident in 2017 when I thought I was wrong about something, but was mistaken. The less said the better.
How did this terrible state of events transpire? Hubris my friends:
Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat (Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason). Being raised in the deep South of America and gardening most of my life, and being quite the Biology Nerd, I am able to identify many native and non-native plants in my area. So which specimen fooled me? A member of the family Fabaceae. Specifically, Sesbania gerbacea, otherwise know as coffeeweed, Colorado river hemp, and bigpod sesbania. This sneaky invader to my flower bed was masquerading as a Mimosa tree seedling for several months. I became suspicious when it suddenly grew 4 feet in less than a month. Mimosas just don't do that, so I waited patiently for the gold standard of plant identification - the flowers to appear. As soon as they popped up, I was able to unmask the perpetrator.
Not a Mimosa:
I now return to my penitence.