Потребни ви се најмалку 20 до 22 степени Целзиусови за да не се исуши зелената боја. Ја чувам мојата мала комора со пластика околу неа со сите мои лисја на 80 ° и пожолтувам и лекувам за само неколку дена. Ако ставите грејач што не е тенџере што создава влага истовремено со греење. Исто така, брзо ќе ги исушите. Имам само едноставна пластична рамка и брзо жолти лисја. Имам саксија која дава и топлина, влажност и добри резултати. Мислам дека ќе бидете разочарани ако не можете да ја зголемите температурата за листот да може да го метаболизира зелениот хлорофил.
"You need at least 20 to 22 degrees Celsius to keep the green from drying out. I keep my little plastic chamber around it with all my leaves at 80 ° and turn yellow and heal in just a few days. If you put a heater that is not a pot that creates moisture at the same time as heating. You will also dry them quickly. I have only a simple plastic frame and fast yellow leaves. I have a pot that gives heat, humidity and good results. I think you will be disappointed if you can not raise the temperature so that the leaf can metabolize green chlorophyll."
Please post in English, so tired old Bob doesn't have to manually do the translation for everybody else. Thanks
The temperature needs to remain above freezing, so long as the leaves have not color-cured. Since relative humidity is directly related to temperature, just make sure that the relative humidity remains above about 60-65% (3 day average), and the temp above 0°C (32°F). The lower the temp, the slower the metabolic changes, like clearing the chlorophyll.
Once the leaves have color-cured, then freezing will do no harm.
As for your porch, the relative humidity will, of course, depend on your outdoor, ambient relative humidity. If you can surround the leaves with a large, plastic bag or tent, while hanging, that can retain moisture, and reduce temperature swings.