Bex, sorry I didn't respond to your last post till now, missed it somehow. My attempts this year are, so far, mediocre like last year. The only type I'm flue-curing this year is Prilep. In my ever-present desire to not smoke cigarettes, I decided to focus on cigar varieties this year, and the only reason I'm growing Prilep is because I haven't done an Oriental before. Last year I did VA Bright Leaf and Big Gem, and for flue-curing I got about 20% bright, 40% dark (still okay for cigar/pipe usage), and 40% green (worthless to me). I speculated that it was humidity that wasn't cooperating (too much), but now, in hindsight, I fear that I was trying to follow a "recipe" too much, instead of relying on trial/error, visual inspection, instinct, etc.. Brown Thumb's flue-cure thread has also been enormously helpful, even though he has a (MUCH) larger, (MUCH) fancier chamber, and of course, the guru, Bob. It is SO crucial that your leaf be uniformly colored/mature before going in to the cooker. Last year I was waiting for leaves to ripen (even over-ripen slightly) and picking based on stalk position. For example, I would pick the lowest two or three leaves from each plant, even if the color was yellow-tipped in some, and dark green in others, and of course (big surprise!), they didn't yellow evenly in the can. Some were yellow in two days, others needed four. That was/is my single biggest mistake, but hey, that was my first year growing/flue-curing, so I didn't feel bad. The errors are how you learn and have value all the same. I would LOVE to be able to successfully cure all my leaf every year, but I'm having so much fun with this, and I can always buy what I can't grow.
You should find that each year you're spending less on materials. Mine so far are: building raised beds and some quality soil to fill them, seed trays, small pots, grow lights, garden stakes, a roll of Agribon, potting soil will be a yearly expense usually, seed filters, wire for hanging, plastic bags and containers for storage, and of course, the Cozy Can. Not much considering how much fun it's all been, and the tobacco generated.