Corojo99 for filler
150 Corojo 99 for filler planted today. It was beautiful day and of course I feel pain all over my body. the result is here. I needed to dig about 18 meters (16FT) by hand about 30 cm deep. I found lots of roots which I remove from the ground.
Seedlings are a bit small but hardened well. Counting on good wether and all the luck you was mentioning before. I started Early in the morning and in the middle of the day I was not sure If I'm gona make it.
Unfortunately my mother was there and she planted all the peppers and other stuff so she decide to help me. Lucky me.
Happy ...and sleepy
150 Corojo 99 for filler planted today. It was beautiful day and of course I feel pain all over my body. the result is here. I needed to dig about 18 meters (16FT) by hand about 30 cm deep. I found lots of roots which I remove from the ground.
Seedlings are a bit small but hardened well. Counting on good wether and all the luck you was mentioning before. I started Early in the morning and in the middle of the day I was not sure If I'm gona make it.
Unfortunately my mother was there and she planted all the peppers and other stuff so she decide to help me. Lucky me.
Happy ...and sleepy