finally getting my plants in the ground..allthough they arent small... ive had them growing in big pots,
yesterday i run across a swamp that didnt have no water in it and grabbed me some extremelly rich soil from the middle of the thing,,, that water hole had been there for a long time... good black rich organic soil
i put my shovel head up against the base of this cypress for size comparrison
and a little look at what i supplement my sandy soil with
the finished product, ..
i come up with a good idea to hold my weed barrier mat down without having to bury it,,
i took 2' of survey stake and then made it into the shape of a cross. by nailing a 4' piece to it. and hammering it into the ground letting the 4' piece hold the mat.. i got more width.. and it works perfect
so far ive got 2 rows planted... about 120 plants.. and each day i do more. i got the next row ready to this evening we do another 54 plants,,