Thanks, most of them are lamps, which is what people want, One, though was some red onix, and the light does not show thru, so I never made it into a lamp, it is a "storage" container,..I am using it for all my toppings,and sucker leaves, seems to be working out pretty good, even left out in the sun, it takes a couple of weeks for them to start getting dry, I keep adding fresh cuttings, so it has been staying pretty humid, ..... First I had some, older "cuttings", that finally did dry, more or less, they were a little green, but not much, and perfect "case" ( I guess is the correct term), just right for rolling a cigarette, and smelled pretty good really, since I am running very low on "cured" tobacco, figured what the heck, so I rolled a smoke, and it was not bad, did not stay lit very well , it did kind of have a taste like just any old dried leaves,..but not to much, there also all ready was a definite tobacco flavor, bite, might say "harsh", but I would say "strong",...a few puffs, to get it burning good, then one to inhale, then another, I liked it, though, it went out, so I lit it again, smoked a little more, and I was "very satisfied", and had a smile on my face, so with half the cigarette, still remaining, I let it go out. I was on my way to lunch when I smoked it, which is normal, when I go to lunch, I enjoy a smoke, on my way,...then I eat, and of course after dinner, I enjoy a smoke, so after I ate, I smoked the other half, same thing, I was very satisfied, as far as nicotine goes, and actually it did not taste that bad, in fact, I liked it so much I was very tempted to just start smoking that, instead of the cured tobacco I have, ..but then I decided, better, keep it curing more, and adding more cuttings to the "jar", I think in a few months I will have some pretty good "smoke" in that stone jar, holds about 4 quarts, if it was full, and the content "dry", it would be about 1/4 lb,...It appears, even if the rustica drys out some, and is still green, if it is kept moist, or made moist again, it still advances in the curing process, my first experiments with this, but in a glass jar, failed, it all rotted, but I am sure now, it was cause it was too wet,...The idea is, by the time the good leaves are ready, I should understand what kind of humidity and temperature, and air combination I need to let them cure nicely,.. kind of excited though, now, cause I think I am figuring it out,..I have the "shower room" all ready to start hanging the leaves, when they are ready, it will be similar to a very large version of the stone jar, but instead of a lid, the door and window, will be kept shut,.. the shower room is cement and concrete block, which makes it easy to keep the humidity up, and control, would be interesting to get a thermometer,and humidity gauge,... I have found too, at night, or on days when it is cooler, by leaving the light on, it keeps it quite warm, guess 85 - 90 degrees, based on what BarG had said, in Brazos Valley, all though he did not say exactly where, but I am familiar with the area, the humidty , etc. I can tell just by stepping inside the shower room, how it feels, .. I will need to be carefull and keep it clean, or it will start getting mold,and stinking to high heaven, normally with the window open, and the air going thru, it stays to dry, for any mold or mildew,...also I can leave it open, and let it "air out" if needed, then close it up again, let the water run, hot or cold, depnding, get the humidity back up again,..things look like they may just work out ok, after all.