The cigar rolling videos pretty much didn't exist, when I started rolling. Hmmm. This forum didn't yet exist, either. Over this past decade, the availability of videos that clearly show rolling techniques has exploded. And that is good. But many show differing and often complex approaches that may be daunting to some novices, perhaps not to other novices. Whichever videos are helpful are a boon.
The thrust of what I am hoping to get across is that rolling consistently smokable cigars is truly simple. It really is. And those early cigars can be as ugly as dog rockets, so long as they draw well and burn well. This particular thread has been where new rollers proudly show off their very first cigar. It has, of course, blossomed into a gallery of some genuinely spectacular artistry.
Most new rollers need only one to three dozen rolling sessions (of hopefully only one cigar each, that is then evaluated) to feel quite competent at rolling a smokable stogie. The most common questions about cigar problems have been the result of focusing on presentation artistry, before becoming confident about reliably rolling a smokable stick.
Bob the Dog Rocket Scientist