Every cigar should have a story.I came in from playing in the garden and decided to take a break and drink a tea glass full of Spite Zero. I settled into the couch and as I pulled the iPad to me to check the weather, the charger cord followed the iPad and tipped over the full glass of Sprite into the end table and floor. While cleaning up the mess I discovered an F.X. Smith's cigar I had stashed on the end table about a year or so ago and decided the best way to recover from my self-inflicted trauma was to head out to the porch and smoke that celebratory cigar to cover the cussing taste that still lingered. It was as if the hand of fate just guided me straight to that cigar. It's a good 'un and was just what I needed. I only wish I had found the cigar before the Sprite and I could have tipped the glass off the porch. It was a plastic glass.
Looks better than some commercial sticks I’ve seen throughout the years! Keep it up!My second attempt at box pressed. A little 54X5 maduro for your viewing pleasure. A couple of things, I need to work on. I need to watch my wrapper prep better. I've got rough line near the foot that I could have cut cleaner to help it lay flatter. I also need a little more filler in the foot area. It's a little squishy and didn't hold the box pressing as well as the rest of the cigar did. I got two sticks (different blends) in a dry box. Hoping to dry them out for a test smoking on the 4th of July.
It's pretty good. Commercial wrappers have almost no veins. It's very hard to hide the veins home rolling.Looks better than some commercial sticks I’ve seen throughout the years! Keep it up!
I knew someone would ask. It’s the Brazil Cubra Viso. Since the filler is chock full of Ligero, I wanted to try to keep the binders & wrappers on the thinner side. I was on the fence between the Cubra Viso & Mata Fina. I’ve used the Mata Fina quite a bit in some blends (outstanding wrapper imho) and only have 1 blend with the Cubra Viso. In all honesty though. I can’t really tell the difference between the thickness and tensile strength of Cubra Viso vs Mata Fina. Seem pretty much the same here. May do a side by side by rolling up some with Mata Fina wrappers to compare & contrast. The main difference I’ve noticed is that the aroma that the Mata Fina gives off is a bit stronger.What variety is the "Brazilian"?
Last couple days:
W-WLT Cameroon (fantastic wrapper to use, very forgiving, easy to stretch as well to get that nice clean cut line)
B-Left batch double Cameroon, Right batch double Dominican Piloto Cubano
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